Monday 4 July 2011

cpd23 - Thing 4 - Current Awareness

Can't believe Thing 4 has come round so quickly - or so it feels to me! We are busy beyond belief at the moment and I haven't even had time to do much more than scan a couple of other blogs with regard to Thing 3 from last week! Aaaagggghh!! I still really want to do that, but one thing I am learning from this programme is that my job is so full on that it simply doesn't allow me to write my blog at the same time every week, for example - so I am trying to go with the flow (ha!) and know that I shall get around to exploring some other blogs again, but it might not be feasible on a regular, weekly basis!

Aaaaand BREATHE....

Okay, so Thing 4. Yet again - really enjoyed reading the cpd23 blog entry - think it gives a fantastic overview of all three of these elements of current awareness: Twitter, RSS feeds and Pushnote. Prior to reading this post, I had a pretty good knowledge of RSS feeds, a working knowledge of Twitter, and absolutely no knowledge whatsoever about Pushnote! So already I have learned something from this Thing, which is a good feeling!

First off, Twitter.  I enjoyed having a look at the #cpd23 tweets on there and I can definitely see its value with regard to things such as following a conference feed or just sharing current awareness really quickly. I have therefore set up an account - feel free to come and find me @LawLibExtraord !!! Only thing is I do not have access to Twitter at work, therefore my 'tweets' may be limited to evenings and weekends only....nonetheless, I am looking forward to giving this a shot, as although I am on Facebook in a personal capacity, I have never ventured into the world of micro-blogging!!

Second thing - RSS feeds. This is one current awareness method that I have been using for about 18 months now and absolutely love it. I use Google Reader and I have a whole host of work-related feeds on there - some relate specifically to the work I do for fee-earners, as one of my ongoing jobs is providing a very tailored current awareness service to the IP practice, and I find RSS feeds are great for being updated on news on a particular topic/case/person etc.

I also use RSS feeds for my own professional development - namely following a number of blogs, such as The Running Librarian and the BIALL Blog;  I also very much enjoy the daily management tip from Harvard Business Review! I would like to add to this list and will try to find the time to have a look at some of the recommendations on the Thing 4 blog post, and hopefully find a few new feeds to add....will keep you posted.

The final thing to look at was Pushnote; however, I have decided not to take part in this aspect of Thing 4, simply because I feel that with Twitter and the RSS feeds, and knowing how limited my time is during the day at work, I have enough to be going on with - so for now, I am going to hold off on getting involved with Pushnote. Be interested to hear how others get on with it though...

My aim is to come back and post again at the end of the week and let you know how I have got on with all of the above, and what I have got out of it all...

Oh and in other news, I ran an induction session for our summer students today that I would quite like to blog about, so again, when I have time, I'll let you know how that went also...

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